The end to suffering and loneliness
Rochel, Chaya, Yosef, Baruch. Yes, I would like to talk to you. If you will allow me, dear singles, I will get straight to the point. All of you are sitting now facing the screen and the thought is probably going through your head: “Here is someone who thinks he can help me. I’ve already given tons of tzedakah, I’ve performed so many segulos – and I still haven’t gotten married. Do you know how many times I was in Amuka? Do you know how many rabbonim I’ve been to? I don’t believe I have any chance anymore.”
But you surely must believe that Hashem can do anything, don’t you? If there is no end to His power and His kindness, can’t He send you a yeshua as well? Hashem, Who runs the entire world and the lives of billions of people, can’t He help you meet your destined zivvug in the blink of an eye? The pasuk says: Nothing can stop Hashem from redeeming, great or small! With the power of emunah, a person can be delivered from the most hopeless circumstances. Even if a sharp sword rests upon one’s neck – don’t despair from mercy!
And let’s admit the truth: each one of us has a dream in their heart. Everyone, even those who have already despaired, says in his heart: maybe at some stage in my life I will also become a great tree with branches and fruit. Maybe I will also finally build a bayis ne’eman b’yisroel and have nachas from my children. And therefore, I say to you: It’s not just a dream! This is the future waiting for you! Because the truth is clear, that you also have a chance. You are also a beloved child of Hashem!
As believing Jews, you know that Hashem listens to our tefillos and loves every Jew. We can offer you a way to activate a yeshua for yourselves. How, exactly? For this, read Yair’s touching letter.

Personal Request
Dear brother or sister,
If you also very much want to find your shidduch – but live today in solitude, if you also carry the dubious title ‘older single’ – my letter is intended for you.
You sit now facing the screen, and your heart is certainly aching. Who but you knows how hard life is for those that get left behind, when all of those their age are happily married and embracing children? Who feels more than you the great pain, the feeling of not being answered, the sensation that life is slipping away from you quickly, leaving you on the wayside, weeping? But davka because of your pain, I’m sure that you will listen to the words I am about to say: have you ever seriously thought about why you were specifically chosen for this difficult test?
You may say: it’s a punishment from heaven. But the Gemara tells us that this is not so! “Hashem desires the tefillos of the righteous.” This is the purpose in every test that a Jew undergoes: he must daven! Not to become embittered, and certainly not to despair. The yeshua for each person is ready, perfect, with all the details and with all the happiness wrapped up in it. It’s just waiting, waiting somewhere until the person who needs it will daven like he needs to!
“Forty days before conception, a voice from heaven calls out: the daughter of ploni for ploni.” Your match exists; you don’t have to create him or her. He or she lives somewhere in the world, gets up in the morning, walks about and breathes. Maybe he or she also doesn’t understand why it was decreed upon him or her to wait so long… but you know. Tefillah, tefillah! Nothing more and nothing less.
It is clear to me that some of you are raising an eyebrow in surprise, maybe even in anger. What does he think, that we were born yesterday? Of course we daven! But specifically for this reason I wrote this letter. We need to know how to daven, how to beseech, where the gates of heaven are! Yes, tefillah is not a simple text that is a segulah to say. Tefillah is a serious matter; it is similar to a meeting with a mighty president, where before one opens one mouth one thinks seven times about what to say and how to say it. We need to remember that we are davening before the King of the world “Who can kill and Who can revive at His whim.” He can bring a man down to Gehinnom and up again, and no mortal can tell Him what to do. If we succeed in coming to the sense of humility that is required of us when we daven, or, at least if we can have talmidei chachamim daven for us who know how to daven to Hashem and persuade Him, then we are assured that our prayers will be answered and that salvation will come automatically.
I have been zocheh to see with my own eyes the power of proper tefillah. Whoever has seen the prayers of the rabbonim of Yeshuos in Amuka when they are reciting the tikkun for older singles on erev Shabbos knows what I am talking about. Suddenly you realize what it means to stand in front of the King and to beg Him, to ask Him, to cry as only a son can cry to his Father. But even someone who cannot actually be there can get some small idea of the power of tefillah by reading the wonderful news that comes to us all the time: dozens of people who were mentioned in the tefillah manage to get engaged in the months that follow!
I won’t elaborate any more. I’ll only say this: Don’t give up! DO NOT GIVE UP! HaKadosh Baruch Hu is a merciful Father and He doesn’t want to see His beloved children suffer. He sits and makes matches, and never forgets the ones who are in darkness, the ones who haven’t “crossed the sea”. Davening, my friends, davening. The barrier is min haShamayim – it is your mission to overcome it! This is the reason for its existence. In Heaven, they are waiting to hear your voice – put everything you have into davening, for your salvation is soon coming!
My dear brothers and sisters. Do not let any more time pass you by. An opportunity lies before you – you just have to bend down to pick it up. Send in your name today, and let the rabbonim of Yeshuos in Amuka begin praying for you, and B’ezras Hashem, in the zechus of Rabbi Yonason ben Uziel, may you soon have good news to tell us!
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